Nodiadau cyfarfod Comisiwn Seilwaith Cenedlaethol Cymru: 26 Ebrill 2023
Nodiadau o gyfarfod y comisiwn ar 26 Ebrill 2023, Canolfan Gymunedol Parc Bute.
Efallai na fydd y ffeil hon yn gyfan gwbl hygyrch.
Ar y dudalen hon
Dr David Clubb, Chair
Jenifer Baxter Deputy Chair
Aleena Khan, Commissioner
Nick Tune, Commissioner
Stephen Brooks, Commissioner
Eluned Parrott, Commissioner
Eurgain Powell Commissioner
Helen Armstrong Commissioner
Secretariat/Welsh Government
John Howells, Director Climate Change, Energy and Planning
Stuart Ingram, Office of NICW
Nicola Britton, Office of NICW
1. Welcome and declarations of interest.
The Chair welcomed commissioners to the meeting with a check-in and celebration of success.
The following events which Commissioners planned to attend were noted:
- Launch of Y Bannau Brycheiniog - the Brecon Beacons National Park Authority Management Plan: 27 April. (JB; SB)
- SUSTRANS 10-year Active Travel: 9 May (EuP; EP)
- ICE / CIWEM 20th Wales National Flooding conference: 11 May (EuP)
- NRW launch of corporate plan: 6 June (DC, JB, NT)
2. Housekeeping
The action tracker was noted and updated to include a thought piece on Net Zero Skills Wales Action Plan by Jenifer Baxter; arranging a meeting to follow up on the Welsh Government’s response to NICW’s 2020 Digital infrastructure report;
On matters arising, a recent meeting with the Welsh Government’s Energy leads about the National Grid was discussed focusing on what action NICW could take. It was acknowledged that in-depth work on the topic could not be incorporated into the current work plan, however commissioner are keen develop a position as concerns about the national grid are part of most conversations with stakeholders. It was agreed a separate session would be necessary and an early meeting with the future CEO of the proposed energy company would be sought.
The secretariat report was noted and accepted.
The following updates from Commissioners were noted:
- Jenifer Baxter will be working on her response to the PPW Biodiversity consultation and invited Commissioners to input, with a view to a draft being available in 2 weeks.
- Eurgain Powell updated the group about the launch of the Wales 2035 Challenge. She agreed to look into circulating the briefing notes about the 5 challenges.
WG Digital Officials to be invited to a future meeting to update on NICW recommendations: Secretariat
Separate discussion session on Grid to be diaried: Secretariat.
Meeting with Wales Renewable Energy Company CEO once in post: Secretariat
SB and JB will meet to discuss biodiversity PPW response.
Circulate Wales 2035 briefing papers to Commissioners: Eurgain Powell.
3. Customer relationship management (CRM)
The chair has decided not to proceed with this project, at this time, due to resource constraints.
4. Feedback from recent events
Partners in both events (the RTPI planning event and the CCW water event) will be compiling events reports and therefore discussion on the events will be postponed until reports are received.
Next Steps on Water and RTPI events to be discussed at next Commission meeting after reports received: Secretariat.
5. Values & Visioning
Commissioners discussed and clarified the purpose of and relationship between the IDG Action Plan; 2100 Visioning and North Star. This led to a thorough examination of how the commission functions and its core values. The importance of completing this work and the need for up to 2 half day partially facilitated session(s) to finalise the work by the summer was agreed.
Draft a paper on NICW Values: Chair
2100 Session facilitators and session options to be explored together with North Star thinking: Secretariat.
John Howells, Director Climate Change, Energy and Planning joined the meeting.
6. Consultation Reponses
Commissioners confirmed their plans about the biodiversity/PPW consultation and the skills strategy. Eurgain Powell’s response about the changes to TAN 15 was noted. It was agreed the consensus matrix concept would be used for the next NICW publication.
The National Infrastructure Commission’s advice note on the UK’s governments road policy was noted. The Chair discussed an offer a meeting with Sir John Armitt.
Confirm meeting arrangements with NIC: Secretariat
7. Future Work Programme
Eluned Parrott and Eurgain Powell updated the group on the status of the Y2 Flood Project and the recommendations from the scoping report for further work were discussed.
Workstreams for year 3 were discussed, with Steve Brooks explaining that as understanding of the topic areas has progressed a shift in the outcomes for year 3 was under consideration. The Chair noted there is time for more discussion on the focus for 2024.
Develop an options paper for year 3 work programme: Helen Armstrong and Steve Brooks
8. Communication Report
The receipt of the draft communication report from Lyn marketing was noted.
9. Stakeholder Survey
The chair explained his thoughts about undertaking a stakeholder survey and will circulate his draft for input.
10. AOB – nil.
The next NICW meeting will take place on 25 May in Bute Park.