Neidio i'r prif gynnwy


  • Designated Education Clinical Lead Officer (DECLO)
  • Education Tribunal for Wales (ETW)
  • Estyn
  • Local Authorities
  • National Implementation Leads
  • NHS Wales, SNAP Cymru
  • Welsh Government (WG)
  • Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA)

1. Welcome and introductions

The Chair welcomed the Group and noted apologies from two members, with substitutes attending on their behalf.

2. Governance: minutes and actions from 19 September 2024

Two actions from the previous steering group meeting were discussed and closed.

3. Cabinet Secretary for Education observations

The Cabinet Secretary for Education (CSE) expressed gratitude for the group's work on ALN reform and emphasised the importance of collaboration and the need for improvement and consistency in delivering ALN services.

4. ALN workplan and policy update

Welsh Government shared an update on the following areas:

  • The legislative review of the ALN framework, was announced as part of a written statement on 7th October 2024.
  • Independent School and VAT, the group discussed the implications of the VAT on independent school fees on the wider education system.
  • Welsh Language in ALN, the National Implementation lead for Welsh Language gave an overview of the workplan to improve the provision of welsh language for learners with ALN, including completion of a National Audit.
  • ALN Post 16, the National Implementation lead for post 16 gave an update of the progress of post 16 implementation including improvements in ALN expertise and partnership across Further Education Initiatives (FEI)s, but noted challenges remain in funding and workforce capacity. 

5. Local authority delivery

Welsh Government provided a presentation on local authorities position of implementing the ALN system nationally, it noted key delivery partners may concern being the capacity to meet ALNET responsibilities, inconsistency in the application of the Act and Code, and funding pressures.

6. Health: ALN multiagency group

The Designated Education Clinical Lead Officer (DECLO)s provided a presentation on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and exception clauses and NHS duties under ALNET.

7. Any other business

The meeting concluded with a decision to defer the Estyn update to the next meeting due to time constraints.

The next meeting is scheduled for 6 February 2025.