Neidio i'r prif gynnwy

The meeting was held on Tuesday 3 December 2024, 9am to 5pm at the Welsh Government Buildings in Cardiff.


Sharon Hammond: Chair
Glyn Hewinson: Technical Advisory Group Chair
Evan Roberts
Alan Gardner
Sian Evans
Roger Lewis
Gemma Haines
Tori Morgan: National Farmers’ Union Cymru Representative
Elin Jenkins: Farmers’ Union of Wales Representative
Phil Thomas: British Veterinary Association Representative 
Richard Irvine: Chief Veterinary Officer for Wales
Alison Jones: Head of TB Policy, Welsh Government
Animal and Plant Health Agency representative
Welsh Government Official
Jonathan Lee: Secretariat

1. Welcome from Chair and Chief Veterinary Officer for Wales

The Chair and Chief Veterinary Officer welcomed members to the meeting. They expressed their excitement at the establishment of the Board which completes the new governance structure and the opportunities ahead for them. 

2. Welcome from Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Climate Change and Rural Affairs, Huw Irranca-Davies

The Chair welcomed Huw Irranca-Davies to the meeting.

Huw Irranca-Davies expressed how excited he was to see the work the Programme Board are going to do and the Board has his full support. He also commented on the fantastic work the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) have completed to date and how the Programme Board can draw on the expertise of the TAG to advise them using scientific data and evidence. 

Huw Irranca-Davies also thanked the Chair and Board members for contributing their expertise and experience to help eradicate Bovine TB. 

3. Declarations of business interest in items on the agenda

Members declared any business interest in items on the agenda. 

4. Background on governance from the Chief Veterinary Officer for Wales

The Chief Veterinary Officer informed members on the background of the decision to set up the governance boards. 

5. Ice breakers

The Chair led the group through ice breaker exercises to help everyone get to know each other and start thinking about the Board’s direction. 

6. Agree Terms of Reference and ways of working

Members discussed and agreed the Terms of Reference and ways of working. 

7. Membership

Members discussed the membership of the Board and agreed the Board would benefit from the following additional members: 

  • a representative of the farming charities
  • a representative from Young Farmers’ Clubs Cymru
  • a representative from a conservation organisation

The Board agreed the Chair and Chief Veterinary Officer for Wales will approach the relevant organisations to offer membership to the Board. 

8. Technical Advisory Group (TAG) update and introduction to inconclusive reactor paper

The Chair of the TAG provided members with background and an update on:

  • membership
  • previous meetings
  • on farm slaughter changes
  • meeting stakeholders at the Royal Welsh Show 
  • TAG sub-work projects. Programme Board will be invited to attend workshops to discuss in more depth. 

The Chair of the TAG then provided members with:

  • a summary of the TAG’s advice paper
  • TAG advice

The Chair of the TAG then answered members questions on the advice paper. 

9. Discussion on IRs and agree advice

Members had a productive discussion about inconclusive reactor policies in Wales as presented in the TAG’s advice paper.

Members agreed on advice and next steps which will be sent to the Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Climate Change and Rural Affairs, Huw Irranca-Davies, to consider.

10. Future meetings

The Board agreed future meetings, after January 2025, should be held across Wales. 

The next meeting will be a joint meeting with the TAG on 23 January 2025.

11. Any other business

Members discussed future plans for public engagement. 

12. Thank you and closing remarks

The Chair and Chief Veterinary Officer for Wales thanked members and closed the meeting.

Date of next meeting

Thursday 23 January 2025