15 canlyniad
Rhestrir y canlyniadau yn ôl perthnasedd.
Cymraeg: masnacheiddio cwotâu
Saesneg: commercialisation of quotas
Cymraeg: model cwotâu ymgeiswyr
Saesneg: candidate quota model
Cymraeg: Cangen Cwotâu Da Byw
Saesneg: Livestock Quotas Section
Cymraeg: Unedau Dyrannu Cwotâu Sefydlog
Saesneg: Fixed Quota Allocation Units
Saesneg: The Dairy Produce Quotas (Wales) Regulations 2005
Saesneg: The Dairy Produce Quotas (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2004
Saesneg: The Dairy Produce Quotas (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2006
Saesneg: The Dairy Produce Quotas (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2007
Saesneg: The Dairy Produce Quotas (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2008
Cymraeg: cwota etholiadol
Saesneg: electoral quota
Cymraeg: cwota rhywedd
Saesneg: gender quota
Cymraeg: cwota tariffau
Saesneg: tariff quota
Cymraeg: Dyraniad Cwota Sefydlog
Saesneg: Fixed Quota Allocation
Cymraeg: cwota rhywedd statudol integredig
Saesneg: integrated statutory gender quota
Cymraeg: system gwotâu
Saesneg: quota regime