36 canlyniad
Rhestrir y canlyniadau yn ôl perthnasedd.
Cymraeg: gosod cosbau
Saesneg: apply penalties
Cymraeg: llythyr cosbau
Saesneg: penalty letter
Cymraeg: Matrics Cosbau
Saesneg: Penalty Matrix
Cymraeg: cosbau ariannol penodedig
Saesneg: fixed monetary penalties
Cymraeg: llai cosbau am danddatgan
Saesneg: less under-declaration
Cymraeg: Cosbau sydd wedi’u Dwyn Ymlaen
Saesneg: Brought Forward Penalties
Cymraeg: llai cosbau wedi’u dwyn ymlaen
Saesneg: minus brought forward penalty
Saesneg: Smoke-free (Penalties and Discounted Amounts) Regulations
Saesneg: Land and Late Penalties
Saesneg: payable area before penalty reduction
Saesneg: Dog Fouling (Fixed Penalties) Order 1996
Saesneg: The Street Works (Fixed Penalty) (Wales) Regulations 2008
Saesneg: The Street Works (Fixed Penalty) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2008
Saesneg: The Local Government Byelaws (Fixed Penalties) (Wales) Regulations 2014
Saesneg: The Recognised Persons (Monetary Penalties) (Determination of Turnover) (Wales) Order 2012
Saesneg: The Qualifications Wales (Monetary Penalties) (Determination of Turnover) Regulations 2019
Saesneg: The Unauthorised Deposit of Waste (Fixed Penalties) (Wales) Regulations 2017
Saesneg: The Road Traffic (Vehicle Emissions) (Fixed Penalty) (Wales) Regulations 2003
Cymraeg: Rheoliadau Tramgwyddau Amgylcheddol (Cosbau Penodedig) (Darpariaethau Amrywiol) (Cymru) 2007
Saesneg: The Environmental Offences (Fixed Penalties) (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Wales) Regulations 2007
Cymraeg: Rheoliadau Tramgwyddau Amgylcheddol (Cosbau Penodedig) (Darpariaethau Amrywiol) (Cymru) 2008
Saesneg: The Environmental Offences (Fixed Penalties) (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Wales) Regulations 2008
Saesneg: Animals and Wildlife (Penalties, Protections and Powers) (Scotland) Act 2020
Saesneg: The Household Waste Duty of Care (Fixed Penalties) (Wales) Regulations 2019
Saesneg: Help for People who can't pay - Penalties for People who won't
Cymraeg: cosb ariannol
Saesneg: financial penalty
Cymraeg: cosb droseddol
Saesneg: criminal penalty
Cymraeg: cosb gorfforol
Saesneg: physical punishment
Cymraeg: cosb gorfforol
Saesneg: corporal punishment
Cymraeg: cosb resymol
Saesneg: reasonable punishment
Cymraeg: cosb sifil
Saesneg: civil penalty
Cymraeg: cosb sifil
Saesneg: civil sanction
Cymraeg: cosb sifil
Saesneg: civil penalty
Cymraeg: cosb ariannol amrywiadwy
Saesneg: variable monetary penalty
Cymraeg: cosb am beidio â chydymffurfio
Saesneg: non-compliance penalty
Cymraeg: deddfwriaeth troseddau a chosbau
Saesneg: offences and penalties legislation
Saesneg: Domestic Violence, A Guide to Civil Remedies and Criminal Sanctions
Cymraeg: Rheoliadau Targedau Ailgylchu, Paratoi i Ailddefnyddio a Chompostio (Monitro a Chosbau) (Cymru) 2011
Saesneg: The Recycling, Preparation for Re-use and Composting Targets (Monitoring and Penalties) (Wales) Regulations 2011