16 canlyniad
Rhestrir y canlyniadau yn ôl perthnasedd.
Cymraeg: cafnau dŵr ac ati
Saesneg: rainwater goods
Cymraeg: llyfrau sieciau ac ati
Saesneg: security stationery
Cymraeg: dyddiad cael tarw/hwrdd ac ati
Saesneg: service date
Saesneg: failure to maintain pregnancy
Saesneg: pregnant animal
Saesneg: The Right to Buy Scheme: Information to help tenants decide whether to exercise the right to buy, etc: A Consultation Paper
Cymraeg: Bwrw ati
Saesneg: Let's get going
Cymraeg: awdurdod i fwrw ati
Saesneg: authority to proceed
Cymraeg: Ewch ati i Ddarllen
Saesneg: Let's Get Reading
Cymraeg: Cadw’n Ddiogel, Dal ati i Ddysgu
Saesneg: Stay Safe, Stay Learning
Saesneg: vigorously pursue the eradication of TB in Wales
Saesneg: The A48 and A483 Trunk Roads (Pont Abraham Roundabout and its Approaches, Carmarthenshire) (40 MPH and 50 MPH Speed Limits) Order 2013
Saesneg: The A48 & A483 Trunk Roads & M4 Motorway (Pont Abraham Roundabout and its Approaches, Carmarthenshire) (Temporary Traffic Restrictions & Prohibition) Order 2012
Saesneg: The A465 Trunk Road & M4 Motorway (Llandarcy Interchange and Approaches, Neath Port Talbot) (Temporary 50 mph and 40 mph Speed Limits) Order 2017
Saesneg: The A40, A465 and A4042 Trunk Roads (Hardwick Gyratory and approaches, Abergavenny Monmouthshire) (Temporary Traffic Restrictions and Prohibitions) Order 2012
Saesneg: The A48 & A483 Trunk Roads & M4 Motorway (Pont Abraham Roundabout and its Approaches, Carmarthenshire) (Temporary Traffic Restrictions & Prohibition) (No.2) Order 2012