Neidio i'r prif gynnwy

Saesneg: conditioned game

Cymraeg: gêm wedi'i haddasu

Rhan ymadrodd

Enw, Benywaidd, Unigol


gemau wedi'u haddasu


Gêm y mae ei rheolau neu'r dull o'i chwarae wedi eu newid fel bod modd i bobl benodol chwarae, ee er mwyn galluogi pobl drawsryweddol i gymryd rhan mewn rhai mathau o chwaraeon.


It is usual practice for practitioners to focus on taking part and the enjoyment of physical activity, and to take account of the range of size, maturity and ability of learners, and structure learning and opportunities so that all can participate safely and fairly. A range of strategies can be used to enable this, for example, conditioned games or differentiated activities.