Neidio i'r prif gynnwy


1 canlyniad
Rhestrir y canlyniadau yn ôl perthnasedd.
Cymraeg: cynnyrch i'w rinsio i ffwrdd
Statws A
Pwnc: Iechyd
Rhan ymadrodd: Enw, Gwrywaidd, Unigol
Lluosog: cynhyrchion i'w rinsio i ffwrdd
Diffiniad: “rinse-off personal care product” means any substance, or mixture of substances, manufactured for the purpose of being applied to any relevant human body part in the course of any personal care treatment, by an application which entails at its completion the prompt and specific removal of the product (or any residue of the product) by washing or rinsing with water, rather than leaving it to wear off or wash off, or be absorbed or shed, in the course of time;
Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf: 25 Hydref 2017