Neidio i'r prif gynnwy


1 canlyniad
Rhestrir y canlyniadau yn ôl perthnasedd.
Cymraeg: Pwerdy Gogledd Lloegr
Statws B
Pwnc: Datblygu economaidd
Rhan ymadrodd: Enw, Gwrywaidd, Unigol
Diffiniad: The Northern Powerhouse is a proposal to boost economic growth in the North of England by the 2010-15 coalition government and 2015-20 Conservative government in the United Kingdom, particularly in the "Core Cities" of Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds, Sheffield and Newcastle. The proposal is based on urban agglomeration and aims to reposition the English economy away from London and the South East.
Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf: 5 Rhagfyr 2016