Neidio i'r prif gynnwy


4 canlyniad
Rhestrir y canlyniadau yn ôl perthnasedd.
Saesneg: SCC
Statws C
Pwnc: Cyfreithiol
Rhan ymadrodd: Enw, Gwrywaidd, Unigol
Diffiniad: Standing Civilian Court
Cyd-destun: Introduced by the Armed Forces Act 1976 for the trial of civilians working for or accompanying the Army outside the U.K.
Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf: 26 Ebrill 2010
Saesneg: Standing Civilian Court
Statws C
Pwnc: Cyfreithiol
Rhan ymadrodd: Enw, Gwrywaidd, Unigol
Cyd-destun: SCC. The Standing Civilian Court (S.C.C.) was introduced by the Armed Forces Act 1976 for the trial of civilians working for or accompanying the Army outside the U.K.
Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf: 26 Ebrill 2010
Saesneg: Military and Civilian Health Partnership Awards
Statws C
Pwnc: Iechyd
Rhan ymadrodd: Enw, Lluosog
Diffiniad: MCHPA
Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf: 17 Tachwedd 2011
Saesneg: MCHPA
Statws C
Pwnc: Iechyd
Rhan ymadrodd: Enw, Lluosog
Diffiniad: Military and Civilian Health Partnership Awards
Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf: 17 Tachwedd 2011